Kajal Agarwal has carved a niche for herself in Tollywood. She is a lucky charm for all the actors. Kajal Agarwal who works on Telugu, Tamil and Hindi films suddenly seems to be missing in action in Tollywood. Her last film in Telugu was NTR’s Temper. This movie was released in February but she has not signed in any other Telugu films after that. Kajal Agarwal fans are wondering why. She is currently busy with the films Do Lafzon Ki Kahani in Hindi and Paayum Puli and another film in Tamil. It is heard that she is now concentrating on Hindi and Tamil movies as she is getting better roles and good films. If the ongoing buzz is to be believed, Kajal Agarwal will be paired opposite Nani. It seems that she liked the script and role and said yes to the director Hanu Raghavapudi. An official confirmation is awaited.