Police and security agencies in Punjab and Haryana were put on alert Friday after protests against Dere Sacha Sauda sect leader Gurmeet Ram Rahim's debut movie “MSG-The Messenger of Godâ€. The movie's high profile premiere, scheduled to be held in Gurgaon Friday, was postponed till Sunday even as the sect authorities claimed they has received the formal letter of approval for release of the film. Protests against the film were witnessed at some places in Haryana and Punjab Friday. Police officials in both states said security agencies were put on alert. In Punjab, additional security forces were stationed in Amritsar, Bathinda and other places. Sikh organisations and leaders, including the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal, are opposed to the sect and its leader. Authorities in Haryana put security forces on alert in Sirsa district, where the sect has its headquarters near Sirsa town (275 km from Chandigarh), Gurgaon and some other places. Police detained scores of Indian National Students' Organisation activists in Gurgaon as the were protesting against the film.